
O'Keefe's Creepy Plan Detailed

Mostly sane, most of the time.9/30/2010 10:44:20 am PDT

re: #577 jamesfirecat

Food is not even close to being like healthcare.

There are alternatives to buying food, you could bring a bag lunch from ANYWHERE else for example.

You can even grow your own food if you want… good luck giving yourself a heart transplant though…

Uh, you bought the food in the bag lunch, dude. Unless you live at home, and your parents bought it. Grow your own food? Are you serious? My cousins the farmers don’t grow their own food. They have a wheat farm, and need more than just ramen noodles. (Their wheat is exported to Asia.) Most people grow enough to supplement what they buy at a supermarket.

So, your choices are go to the supermarket and pack a lunch, or buy it pre-made.

My child has strep throat. (Happens all the time in our family, unfortunately). I could a. make a doctor’s office appointment, b. go to the emergency room, c. go to the urgency clinic. or d. use the kits I own because we get strep throat all the time. Now, d would still require me to go to the doctor to get a prescription—if it comes up negative.

You are in college, right? Here’s an analogy for you. The college I attended had two different types of dorms. Apartment style and regular. Regular had a cafeteria with three all-you-can-eat meals. Apartment you were responsible for getting and cooking your own food.

There was an end-of-year banquet for students who had done well academically who live in the dorms. Paid for already.

We in the apartment style were sitting at the table with the regular style. We noticed (it was really obvious) that we cleaned our plates, whereas the other kids left food on the plate.

How you pay for something does affect how you use it.