
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Killian Bundy4/08/2009 11:36:37 am PDT

Biden warns Israel off any attack on Iran

Reporting from Washington — Vice President Joe Biden issued a high-level admonishment to Israel’s new government Tuesday that it would be “ill advised” to launch a military strike against Iran.

Biden said in a CNN interview that he does not believe newly installed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would take such a step. Even so, his comment underscored a gap between the conservative new Israeli government and the Obama White House on a series of questions, including the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Iran.

So now the U.S. government is publicly running interference on behalf of protecting Iran?

/just in case you still had any illusions as to who’s side the Obama administration is on