
Logical Fallacy of the Day: 'No True Scotsman'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/12/2009 2:30:13 pm PDT

Ed Morrisey has finally gone over the deep end, wrt climate change:

[…]The author(s) of the memo suggest the EPA did not thoroughly examine the relationship between greenhouse gases and human health.

“In the absence of a strong statement of the standards being applied in this decision, there is concern that EPA is making a finding based on…’harm’ from substances that have no demonstrated direct health effects,” the memo says, adding that the “scientific data that purports to conclusively establish” that link was from outside EPA.

Will this kneecap the Obama administration’s efforts to get Congress to impose a cap-and-trade system? Republicans and Rust Belt Democrats will jump to embrace an EPA report that casts doubt on global warming science.

Ed’s conclusion (which I bolded) does not follow from the purported memo’s discussion (quoted in the second paragraph.)

Since this thread is about fallacies, perhaps someone should inform Ed of his.