
Dumbest Man on Internet Recycles Another Right Wing Paranoid Fantasy, Gets Drudge Link

palomino3/05/2013 12:41:20 am PST

re: #583 DrTesla

i would classify Trump as an independent. i think he was real anti-war so I figured he would be respected on this website.

i think liberals are obsessed with the birthers. almost like they want to gin up sympathy for Obama b/c some peope doubt his citizenship. you can’t name one prominent Republican pundit who is a birther. trump haad no shot at the republican nomination once his liberal views are stuff were exposed.

It doesn’t really matter what YOU classify Trump as. He’s a Republican. He endorsed Romney, regularly endorses other Republicans, and considered running in 2012 as a Republican. That pretty much settles it.

Most elected Republicans have shied away from birtherism, at least at the national level. But when half of the opposing party’s members think the president is lying about his birthplace, then Dems will use it to make the GOP look bad. Poli Sci 101.