
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Gus6/01/2012 7:08:07 am PDT

re: #581 Talking Point Detective

The ban won’t solve the obesity problem - but that’s the kind of standard I typically see from libertarians. It may help marginally to reduce caloric intake among groups that have high obesity rates.

Issues of class, economics, education, etc. will overlap with any attempt to address the obesity epidemic.

I don’t think the ban would have a large impact, but I am completely unconcerned about people having a harder time buying 32 oz sodas.

I doubt it’s that simple. It probably comes with mounds of paper work. Re-printing menus. Enforcement. Fines. Another thing to add to the list of things to look for by health inspectors followed by a demand for increasing wages of said inspectors and their pensions. This is NYC.