
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

Unakite4/26/2010 7:44:36 pm PDT

re: #544 LudwigVanQuixote

ONly reine I am not worked up.

I am soberly telling you this is it.

Compare the actions of Krupp and other industrialists and newsmen in germany to the actions of Fox today int hat context. Compare how major political players got on the Nazi boat because it rallied the folks up with such a basic message of anger and false entitlement to the rhetoric of the GOP. Compare the revamped and twisted teutonic crap of the nazis to the revamped and twisted Dominionist Christian view.

Notice how the government is the prime traitor that needs to be purged before turning our eyes outside (Ron Paul, Buchannan anyone?).

No I am dead sober.

Woof, AGW and Fox?? We’re fucked!! (and I’m dead sober too). Guess with all the hundreds (if not thousands) of local and national stations being broadcast in America alone, I missed the “twisted teutonic crap of the nazis to the revamped and twisted Dominionist Christian view.”

And to be honest, I am not whatever you refer to as a Dominionist Christian, but I’m starting to take offense at your labeling everybody that you disagree with.