
Craziest Wingnut Rant of the Day: Jerome Corsi: 'Was Obama Married Before He Was Married?'

NJDhockeyfan8/10/2012 10:06:18 am PDT

Forensics report gives clues to identity of Sinai attackers

The initial forensic report on the bodies of the Rafah checkpoint attackers suggests that the perpetrators were wearing military uniforms made in Nablus, Palestine at the time of the attack.

Five bodies were 99 percent burned from an explosion, while a sixth had gunshots throughout his body. They were all men in their thirties with reportedly Arab features. Their DNA was taken to be matched against that of criminals currently wanted by the police.

Israel handed over four bodies to Egypt on Monday, saying its forces killed them after they seized an armored truck from the Egyptian side and attempted to cross the border.