
And Now, a Delightfully Strange Short Film: "Moving Parts"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/09/2017 2:32:50 pm PDT

re: #35 Citizen K

The worst is just how seemingly impenetrable it is, either from Clinton or anyone who dared commit the sin of supporting her. The instant you mention that you dared do more than hold your nose and vote for her, the moment your opinion is treated like the greatest lie of Satan, and everything else you support becomes toxic. The same kind of intractability I see from GOPers toward anything remotely Dem-related or leftie-related.

And again, the primary has been re-litigated forever and a day since the fucking convention, and yet only now, when Clinton says something does that become beating a dead horse. Meanwhile, Bernie is still shitting on the grave of her candidacy while his supporters insist everyone bend knee to them or fucking else. All under the purview and enabling of the media.

I’m dead scared of the consequences of this, in all honesty. There isn’t a breakthrough moment I can see, and it may end up keeping things fractured enough that the GOP sails to the unassailable majority that we should be fighting to prevent. And I don’t know how to fix that because it seems like anyone who dared support Clinton has been completely locked in a state where daring to do something will only make things worse because of how instantly and reflexively people run from anything you support now. And that makes me feel so fucking helpless.

I’m worried about what it may mean too. It’s frustrating. Is it wrong for me to hope Sanders makes some gaffes that make him lose his popularity and status? I’m so sick of hearing “Oh Bernie’s the most popular politician in the U.S. right now.” And I will concede he IS popular but that’s because he’s never really been challenged too hard nor has he been subject to even remotely a fraction of the scrutiny Clinton had.