
Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl Says I Lied That He Defended Derbyshire, Then Defends Derbyshire

Kragar4/11/2012 12:06:57 pm PDT

Fischer: ‘Evolution is Completely Irrational and Scientifically Bankrupt’

During yesterday’s program when Bryan Fischer was warning that electing a “spiritually-compromised” Mormon like Mitt Romney would weaken and endanger America, he was restating his theory that liberals and the media are now going to start attacking Romney’s faith, claiming that if the media thinks that the beliefs of Evangelicals are odd, then “what Mormons believe is in coo-coo land.”

That somehow sent him off on a tangent about science, during which he declared that he didn’t believe in global warming or evolution because he is “committed to science.” And since “evolution is completely irrational and scientifically bankrupt,” the “most logical thing in the world” is to believe that God created the universe: