
#TwitterGulag: How It Works, and How to Avoid It

Rightwingconspirator6/11/2012 2:10:06 pm PDT

Just been reflecting on a conversation I have had today on Twitter, with a kind person that stays anonymous from necessity-A necessity driven by anonymous haters. Zuckerberg has something right-His resistance to online anonymity. Anonymity is not a mixed blessing, it’s a mixed curse. One reason I blog open is a little pushback of my own against those who hide to be assholes. Maybe I get away with it as my boss has full understanding of my blogging, I don’t hate on anyone and the wife and I are stubborn by nature against the haters/stalkers. Maybe I’m naive. Heh, maybe not.

As an informal poll-With all due respect to those who need the anonymity

How many of you who blog anonymous do so out of worries over a stalker/haters?

Worried about an impact on your career?

Want to be able to flame away without fear?