
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/26/2010 7:45:22 pm PDT

re: #568

And this of course is an issue someone should rightly be worked up about.
My response to Steve was in general, not specifically on this topic because I didn’t see the earlier conversation. There are times …

But as to the other - of course we must be vigilant, always. I see smaller and smaller groups of “tea partiers” and the like. Now, the ones that are there are increasingly vocal and strident, yes. But they are attracting smaller and smaller groups of people, as they become more outlandish and strident. I have faith that MOST people here in this country will see these things for what they are before they become a danger. Really.

What scares me is those people who are ONLY afraid of the right-wing loonies; and dismiss left-wing looniness as having no effect or being of no consequence. All of it must be watched.

1. I don’t think you have (or will) ever seen me give a left wing loony a pass.

2. What makes this different from the left wing loonies is the vast amount of media and corporate support it gets and the way that mainstream politicians are gloming on to it. This is very much more dangerous than I think you give it credit for. There have always been Americans who think like this. They used to limit themselves to survivalist camps in the middle of no-where. Not so much anymore.