
Mississippi Catholic Bishops, Religious Leaders Denounce Personhood Bill

BigPapa11/06/2011 8:18:15 am PST

Racial politics return with Cain allegations

Herman Cain’s rise as a presidential contender was supposed to prove that race didn’t matter in the Republican Party. Cain is fast making it the only thing that does.

The black conservative is trying to navigate around allegations that he sexually harassed at least three women, implying that the accusations surfaced because he is black. Hours after the claims were reported, Cain’s supporters branded his trouble a “high-tech lynching.” That’s the term coined 20 years ago by another black conservative, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, after his confirmation hearings for the court were rocked by allegations of sexual harassment.

There is one thing lacking in Cain’s allegations of a ‘high tech lynching’ and ‘they don’t like me because I’m black,’ and in the general right wing accusation that criticism of Cain is because he’s black.

Evidence. There is not one whit of it.

This is essentially a childish retort to the accusations of racism towards the right wing. The difference? There was evidence of that.