
Fox News' Andrea Tantaros: 'Is The Obama Daughter Going On Birth Control?'

Click My Icon To Watch This Short French Film.5/04/2013 5:25:06 pm PDT

I’ve noticed the right will sometimes say that even “middle of the road” or “moderate” Democrats are against something or the President. Of course they seem to not back that assertion up with anything. It is like they throw it out there to cast doubt on the left and make it seem as if the policy or idea is so far left that even “moderate” or most Dems are against it.
No wonder so many Conservatives were convinced they would win this last election by a land slide.
Such lousy people these right wing talking heads are. I’m trying not to put down conservatives as a group by calling the people lousy because I believe they are good people being used by people like Tantaros who appeal to their anger and fear as well as their naivete’ and religion.