
Weekly Standard Blatantly Distorts Obama Official's Quote on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Reality Based Steve5/05/2013 12:04:05 pm PDT

It’s always easier to distort / create / misinterpret facts and evidence to support your own point of view than deal with the facts as they are. The RW Blog / Forums / News (and quite frankly, I really don’t bother to make a distinction between them anymore) specialize in making mountains not only out of molehills, but in many cases it seems the mere suggestion that there may have once been a mole in that general area is enough to cause the immediate headlines “OBAMA SELLING THE US TO THE MOLE-MEN!!!!”.

They (the RW wackos) LOVE to go on about “LOW INFORMATION VOTERS”, but when you get down to it, if you have a TON of information, but it’s a pack of tissue thin lies, suppositions, exaggerations and wildly interpretative readings of actual documents, all you have is a lot a crap, not info.