
A Christmas Gift for Atheists -- Five Reasons Why God Exists

SpikeDad12/15/2013 4:06:51 pm PST

Bugliosi’s conclusion is horseshit. Because he doesn’t know the case is closed? You want a deity, you provide the proof or even the tinyist bit of evidence. The case for a deity is not 50/50. The evidence against it is overwhelming, the evidence for is non-existent.

The reason why human’s believe in gods is being well defined by science. It’s a result of an overactive pattern matching system which has developed due to evolutionary pressures. Humans that perceive danger in patterns survived. This causes humans to see patterns in lots of situations where it doesn’t exist. This is called intentionality.

So, no evidence of deity but plenty of evidence that deity believe is a byproduct of an evolutionary process.

I repeat, Bugliosi’s conclusion is horseshit.