
Donald Trump Retweets Yet Another Outright Neo-Nazi

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/22/2016 10:50:37 am PST

Trump does as his followers do, as we see every minute in the NRO comments:

Kebab Removal Services • 7 minutes ago
Cuckservatism is suicidal ideology. They really think all people are just blank slates. The only thing that matters is environment. They truly believe that non-Whites are going to carry the torch of Western civilization despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary. It is fantasy thinking. It is lunacy. Their economic beliefs are also suicidal. As if gutting a nation’s industry is a good idea. Forcing Americans to compete with third world labor is a terrible idea. I would even call it treasonous. The US effectively had autarky until the 1970s. And then some Chicago School, rootless cosmopolitans convinced American elites to throw it all away. The middle class had been slowly eroding away ever since.