
Seth Meyers: Trump Says Anything to Try to Hide His Culpability [VIDEO]

lawhawk12/14/2018 12:04:12 pm PST

re: #1 Charles Johnson


Everyone needs a right hand man. Everyone from Washington on down had someone who helped them manage the influx of information and people to the Oval Office. It’s their job to vet information, need, risk, and importance, and manage the President’s time.

These fucknuts are basically saying that Trump doesn’t need to manage his time efficiently or effectively. They’re down with the chaos because that’s what they want. They don’t want government to function properly. They’re out to sabotage it, and Trump’s been the boon to this view among the right wing extremists. They want to watch it all burn.

Concurrently, it’s a position that Russia loves because a hobbled President is one less thing for them to worry about as Trump’s attention span of a gnat can’t and won’t comprehend, let alone respond to Russian (or Chinese, or any other country) aggression.