
At 14, It Was No 'Gift From God', Trust Me

lostlakehiker10/25/2012 12:26:51 pm PDT

re: #5 Destro

You know what is funny? I don’t get how Protestants who are Sola Scriptura (meaning they only follow what is in the Bible and not any tradition or interpretations of the Bible) find justification for God being against abortions in the Bible. The word or concept of abortion (pro or con) does not appear anywhere in the Old or New Testament.

Interpreting even secular literature from a century ago takes some effort. Each culture has its own background information, the stuff that everyone knows and so no one bothers to spell out. Allusions work in their day, for readers who are clued in. Otherwise, not.

East Germans couldn’t work West German crossword puzzles. Same language, same time, but things were that much different. To just read a passage, and imagine that you understand it, is a form of “pride”. “I don’t need to give this even as much thought as I would a crossword puzzle, I’m so right”.

That said, the general trend of doctrine in the Bible is fairly clear. It’s against human sacrifice, against infanticide, and against masturbation. Interpolate between those positions and you might well arrive at the conclusion that abortion is also frowned upon.

On the other hand, it’s against rape. Interpolate from there and you might well arrive at the conclusion that rapists shouldn’t be allowed to force their way into the next generation via unwilling wombs.