
In California, Say Goodnight, GOP

BongCrodny11/12/2012 5:50:58 pm PST

Reposted from the previous thread onto the live one:

WTF Department, Part II

So during Jeopardy, my mom got a call from a pollster. Mom doesn’t like dealing with those people. Since I happened to be there, I decided to field the questions because I figure the folks on the other end are just trying to make a living.

At first, the questions seemed innocuous — did you vote Democrat or Republican in this year’s election, did you vote for Angus King (I), Cynthia Dill (D) or Charlie Summers (R) for Senator, etc.

Then the questions started getting a little more specific; they wanted to know whether I voted on Maine’s Question 1 referendum, the vote to allow gay couples to marry.

Even the first few questions here were somewhat balanced: do you strongly or somewhat agree or disagree with Question 1; did you make up your mind the day of the election, the week before the election, the month before the election, or more than a month before the election.

Then it started becoming obvious where they were going with the “survey”: do you feel religious people will have their rights infringed by gay marriage; do you think children will be adversely affected by gay marriage; do you feel matrimony should be between one man and one woman, etc.

In short, it appeared to be designed to elicit negative responses to their questions.

So, basically, I told the guy on the other end that and that I did not want to answer any more of his questions; I thanked *him* for his time, and hung up.

I could be wrong, but it sure seemed to me that the questions were from one of the groups that will almost certainly be looking to get the question back on the ballot in 2014, and the “strength” of their responses will more than likely determine whether they decide to do so.

I’d caution anyone that voted in favor of a similar amendment, whether here in Maine or anywhere else, that this is not over. We’re going to need to keep fighting, fighting, fighting, because these people are definitely not going to go away quietly.