
Israeli Spokesman in Black Face 'Obama Style'

ReamWorks SKG11/26/2012 1:01:00 pm PST

He claims it’s a misrepresentation and a distortion, and we don’t know if the “screen grab” spreading has been modified in any way. We don’t know, for instance, if the caption was added by one of his friends or followers. Covering your face in mud at the Dead Sea is a tradition, so the photo itself (without the caption) doesn’t indicate any racist intent. You can find photos of me covered in Dead Sea mud on the Internet.

I just don’t think it’s a big enough issue to get too excited about. Certainly we should say that this comment is in very poor taste, and explain to him why. And we should speak out against it.

But for some reason Liberals are using this as “proof” that All Israelis are Racist and (by extension) the conflict with the Gazans is a “racist” one. That’s just liberal nonsense.

Just take a look at the Comments here: