
Watch Live: Eric Holder Speaks About the DOJ Report on Ferguson

Scottish Dragon3/04/2015 1:25:36 pm PST

Since has hidden their forums, I checked to see what they were up to

They do not disappoint:

Ok, I’m sure I will get blasted for this, called a closet racist, and then I’ll have to pull the go-to card of all closet racists… “But I have black friends”. Call me what you will, I know the truth, but I’m sick and tired of people making every cop look bad because they are unwilling to state the obvious.


It’s easy. Just stop arresting minorities. After three weeks of crushing crime waves, watch the outcry.


Like you, I’m weary of the rhetoric concerning racism and the disproportionate “harassment” of minorities. Statistics can be manipulated to make them say anything you want them to. I listen to the news reports and it appears most agencies have hopped on the racism “bandwagon” to get their few minutes of recognition and fame. I’d like to see true and honest reporting, validated statistics, and above all, people taking responsibility for their own actions or non-actions. These all have little to do with race. MYO

All the commenters are complaining about abuse of statistics and the report is bullshit because reasons!!!!