
Overnight Ocean Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/16/2009 4:07:30 am PDT

re: #57 theheat

I read about that, and interestingly enough, a gal I knew in the service was raped in Iraq by other servicemen, and I can say without hesitation it ruined her life. And the shit she had to go through, just to bring up these MFs on charges, could fill a book. In short, it made her nuts. She is not the same person she used to be - not by a long stretch. And no woman should have to go through that much red tape and bullshit to bring the accused to trial.

Of course it is terrible for them. My heart goes out so much. I have a few friends too who experienced this crime. They were never quite the same either.

What is repulsive beyond measure is the behavior of KBR/Haliburon in this case. What is even more shocking to me are the lame excuses that the GOP lackeys of Haliburton made in order to protect this criminal behavior. It is honorless and shameful.