
Full Context: Glenn Beck's 'Shoot Them in the Head' Rant

Nyet1/22/2011 12:50:03 pm PST

Here’s anti-Clinton book by Sobran written long after his “fall”:

With a foreword by Coulter.

“Clinton as subject and Sobran as author make for an irresistible combination.” — Tom Bethell, columnist for AMERICAN SPECTATOR magazine

“Joseph Sobran’s penetrating analysis of the Clinton years provides his readers with much food for thought.” — Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D., professor, author, lecturer, publisher of CHRIST OR CHAOS newsletter

“Sobran’s unique style and insightful analysis make for a superb book.” — Congressman Ron Paul [R-Tex.]

Congressmen Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), Ron Paul (R-Tex.), and Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage (R-Idaho) will be joining Mr. Sobran and his publisher, Fran Griffin of Griffin Communications, at an 11 A.M. News Conference on Tuesday, October 3 in room 2105 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. Congressman Bob Barr (R-Ga.) may also attend (to be confirmed shortly).