
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner, Issue #1

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/02/2011 8:12:51 pm PDT

Went for a walk this evening… lovely evening. I ventured into new territory and came across a lovely loquat tree… that still had fruit! Sadly the fruit was too far gone (it’s past season and hot outside) to be edible. Even more sad is that as I studied the tree it became apparent that the owner left most of the fruit on it to rot - and it was good fruit too, larger in size than most loquat trees (which are highly variable genetically.)

As I surveyed the lot it also became apparent that the owner just couldn’t keep up with the place… That’s not too unusual as older home owners eventually get to a point where they have to give up on taking care of their place.

Lesson learned - go for longer walks (yes, learnt last time also) earlier in the year.

Came across a beautiful orange tree also. Not one grafted onto dwarf stock, but a full size orange tree, well cared for and watered consistently. Quite a contrast to most of the citrus trees around here, which are grown as dwarfs and usually abandoned to boot.

One can learn quite a bit by just walking around and looking, absorbing the environment.