
Rick Santorum Promotes His Loony Anti-UN Conspiracy Theory at the Daily Beast

Gus12/05/2012 1:31:01 pm PST

Ross Cardinal Douthat, Patriarch Of Dweebopolis and Archbishop Of Dorkylvania, is back with a defense and clarification of his column earlier this week in which His Eminence was critical of white American ladies who are out there having child-free sexytime without his permission, and thereby shirking their moral duty to pump out white babies to keep the blahs and the brown at bay. This, to Ross, is not merely unpatriotic, but “decadent,” a loaded word that indicates that His Eminence has lived the sheltered life of an entombed cleric. People reacted rather strongly to this contention, so he has come back today to revise and to extend — and I do mean “extend,” if you understand what I’m saying, and I think you do — his remarks.

Read more: Ross Douthat Clarifies Column - Ross Douthat Explains Himself - Esquire