
The GOP and Creationism

committed2/23/2009 10:55:36 am PST

Charles, I know this issue is a big one for you. IMHO, in the context of the issues that face us in this country and this world, I don’t believe this should be the issue that decides our support for someone. On most other issues, they are right on target. It is difficult to be in agreement even with each other on everything. Can’t you cut these guys some slack in light of their virtues in most other areas?

Many Christians do not believe they can believe in Gold and the big bang theory and evolution. I disagree with that, because I myself have often noted that although the Bible said God created the world in 7 days, in another part of the Bible it says that a thousand years is as a day and a day is as a thousand years in God’s view. So literally, he could have created it over thousands and millions of years in the way science is discovering.

I once believed that prayer in schools had a fundamental value. In today’s diverse world, to insist on prayer in schools would open up a whole can of unwelcome worms, as each religion represented would want their own prayer included in the curriculum.

BTW, I’m not complaining as much as I’m asking for a little understanding that we are not going to agree with everything about everyone that aspires to lead this country.