
Greenwald Asks: "Are There Any Meaningful Differences Between Ellsberg and Snowden?"

Slap6/14/2013 11:07:42 am PDT

re: #536 Mattand

Yeah, this. It’s a great movie, in many ways. Acting was good, and the choice of differing film stocks was very painterly.

But its core thesis is the LBK and the military organized a in-plain-sight coup to assassinate JFK. The conspiracy is so convoluted it make your average 9/11 schlock look like a model of simplicity.

Quite agree. Some time ago, I saw a doc (on History, iirc) where they had several trained Marine snipers attempt to fire all three shots in that tight time window using the same bolt-action rifle Oswald used. They completely thrashed the “it’s just not POSSIBLE for LHO to have fired all those shots using that gun” idea — then they went into some detail about LHO’s Marine sharpshooter tests.

The guy was a dead shot. His scores ranked at the very top.

There’s plenty of flex in the concept that he was a puppet of somebody, but the fact remained that he had the pure skill to pull it off. Which flies in the face of many of the “grassy knoll” proponents.

If you’re at all interested, James Ellroy wrote (and finally polished off) a trilogy of novels referred to as the Underworld USA Trilogy. It’s fiction that has a real verisimilitude, and lays out the complex web of deceit and conflicting agendas surrounding the late Fifties and early Sixties, with a cast of real-life figures (Hoover, Hughes,the Kennedys, etc) and a few key fictional characters. It’s a bracing ride.