
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

HoosierHoops4/14/2010 7:32:10 pm PDT

re: #523 Walter L. Newton

Theories - there is evidently “bleeding” going on between certain characters between the closed time-like loops. Desmond can see events in both time lines, Sun doesn’t speak English in the new Flash Sideways timeline, so that is bleeding a bit… slowly but surely each of the Oceanic Six (the candidates) are getting “bleeds” happening on one side or the other or both.

Think of entangled pairs in quantum physics.

Hi Walter..Hope you are well..
don’t be offended..I’m just going to tease you some…
Physics and Lost will not often collide in this world ( My Mom Loved it)
But since you brought up science and a silly poorly written show.. Let’s discuss Science..
Dr. Pamela Gay has been doing a great series on Gravity Wave theory this last week..She is the first person to explain it that I actually understand..
Check this out..Everybody understands that space is like a fabric stretched out.. A heavy object sinks into the fabric and other objects circle around them.
But lets say you remove the heavy object the fabric will snap like a trampoline and create gravity waves..Like a piece of space-time fabric we can measure the effect as it snaps back into neutral..
When a star explodes and loses it’s mass..The fabric should snap back into space and cause a wave of gravity… Exciting scientific research Walter