
Overnight Open Thread

turn3/24/2009 7:02:48 am PDT

I checked for more news on the Oakland cop killing this morning. That shooter was one bad hombre, his just got paroled after a six year stint in prison for an armed robbery conviction. Then immediately after his release they had him as a suspect in a murder but couldn’t convict him. He was in violation of parole (you wouldn’t believe how may ex cons here in CA are in violation of parole!) when he got pulled over. I still can’t figure out how the hell this dude got the jump on 4 veteran police officers our what type of weapons he was using. Apparently there were two weapons involved the first I’m guessing was a handgun which he shot the first two cops in the head with. He fled to his sisters apartment nearby where the cops caught up to him a couple of hours later. The SWAT team broke in and used flash bangs but two of them got shot with an “assault weapon” which I’m guessing was a rifle. His sister fled unharmed and, get this, didn’t know he was in the apartment because she was asleep! right …