
Monday Night Jam: Bill Laurance, "Swag Times"

A Mom Anon7/12/2016 10:27:03 am PDT

I think I’m done with Facebook. Just got called a stupid bitch. So, I changed my profile pic to a unicorn with a rainbow and deleted my community service posts (I had started a series about how to feel less helpless about bad things by doing good, yeah, no one gives a fuck). No one I know cares about a single fucking soul but themselves. I’m sad, but also angry. No one will miss me there anyway. I’ll keep the page open so I can see pics of the grandkids, but I’m done. I feel a ton worse every time I look at my fucking newsfeed and I realize more than ever that I don’t belong in GA anymore. I’d be better off spending my online time here and figuring out how to move the fuck out of here. Because if I wait on The Husband to do it I’ll be dead from old age.

I’m pissed off, but really fucking sad too. I really do not have friends who care about anything but their guns and taking shit from poor people. I went through the list, there are 3 people on it who aren’t right wing douchebags and none of them live near me. Fuck it.