
Video: Tony Perkins vs. David Boies

jamesfirecat8/09/2010 10:20:32 am PDT

re: #588

I think there are people with real and legitimate concerns about the possibility that the next thing up will be marriage between more than 2 people. I happen to believe that’s a pretty far-fetched idea, myself … but instead of calling people names, why not discuss and work out a solution that would put those fears to rest? Just seems to me to be the rational thing to do.

There are those who believe that at some point, the government will begin to push for all religions to recognize and perform gay marriages. I used to think this was pretty far-fetched, but as time moves on, this is less far-fetched in my mind. We’ve seen rumblings here about the the fact that Catholic hospitals won’t perform abortions. Now, this is not entirely accurate, I have it from a good source (a person who served on the ethics panel at a Catholic hospital) that there are occasions when this procedure is performed in very extreme circumstances, and with the permission of the Bishop, but of course, no Catholic hospital will say so and of course, no Catholic hospital will ever perform abortions as a routine matter. Nor should they be required to do so, IMO, but I’ve seen it said that they should be required to perform those services, or close down. That would be a terrible thing to force those hospitals to do, IMO, since they provide a great deal of all sorts of medical services all around the country, and provide to people with little means.

So, yes, I think the prudent and mature thing to do would be to allay those fears that people have, put them to rest, get out of the way whatever objections people have to recognition of gay unions so that the protections of the law can apply to gay relationships just as they do to heterosexual relationships.

I still think it’s silly to believe that Gay people are going to come banging down on the door of churches demanding they marry them, because personally and I really don’t see it happening.

A marriage is a service that you can get taken care of for you at city hall with the minimum amount of fuss, muss and cost, unlike an abortion.

Being a single guy who has never had anything approaching a girlfriend, I don’t know that much about how your typical marriage goes down, but don’t people pay to hire the minister, to rent out the place where it will happen, and so on and so forth? Why would gay people honestly want to hire someone who or have their marriage in a place that has a problem with their relationship?

As for the idea of more than two people wanting to get married, well there will always be Utah….