
Armey: A GOP Majority Will Fight to Ban Abortion

researchok9/14/2010 4:35:10 pm PDT

re: #589 Obdicut

What do you think hasn’t been discredited?

Abortion rights really have been, and are, restricted.

There really are constant attacks on abortion rights at local and state levels.

There really are large amounts of the US where it is extremely onerous to get an abortion if you do not have money, access to a car, etc.

There really is no merit to the argument that since some people have moral objections to abortion the government should never fund it; there are moral objections to almost anything done by the government.

I have never said abortion rights have not been restricted. I concede they have and abortion will be an agenda for many for a long time.

I also said that virtually always, when the cases are appealed the courts almost always universally restore the right to a woman’s right to choose.

I approve of that and support judges that espouse that position. That position is non negotiable for me.

I also happen to espouse the same position as the liberal American Prospect- that “Abortion is a right that ends in sorrow. Democratic rhetoric in the future must acknowledge this fact.”

They also note that fully one third of pro choice Americans voted for Bush. To say that all conservatives are against abortion (or are bigots) is absurd.

Like you, I want abortions to be legal, safe and less frequent. I do not want to see women have trouble accessing abortions if they choose teh procedure.

What I do resent is the idea that abortion is a procedure that has no consequences beyond the moment. There is enough evidence that abortion does have long term consequences and there has been much written by women (some liberal- gasp!) that attest to that.

In your work, I’m sure you ran across women who were conflicted by the choice they had to make. I*’m also sure you were not cavalier- I don’t know you well, but I know that much about you. You don’t run roughshod, no matter your convictions.

When Hillary Clinton said abortions should be rare, she was booed.

That is the attitude I resent.