
Onion Panel Debates Minotaur-Based Interrogation

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/31/2009 12:05:11 pm PDT

re: #606 Salamantis

What totally amazes me is why you wait for the end of a dead thread to try to get in the last word.

like it recently did regarding the effects of solar cycles on climate change, we can all just go with it together, instead of AGW

I was with you until you started up on the 11 year solar variation. It would really help if you read the stuff you shout about.


Following will be the abstract from the paper itself. This is referring to a very technical detail of things that might need to included into present models to predict el nino in one part of the Earth’s system during 11 year cycles.

The warming trend is much larger than 11 years.

Some seem to think that any climate article with the word sun in it, is somehow a magic bullet. This is just false. Suppose for an instant that you were correct beyond your wildest dreams, and that decreased solar activity did indeed have a pronounced effect on the rate of warming…

Unfortunately for the denier side, WE ARE STILL WARMING EVEN THOUGH THE SUN IS GIVING US A BREAK! What would that mean, if the atmosphere is the same when things get back to normal? So, here is the abstract of the paper this article talks about. Please do us the kindness of pointing out the part that contradicts AGW.

One of the mysteries regarding Earth’s climate system response to variations in solar output is how the relatively small fluctuations of the 11-year solar cycle can produce the magnitude of the observed climate signals in the tropical Pacific associated with such solar variability. Two mechanisms, the top-down stratospheric response of ozone to fluctuations of shortwave solar forcing and the bottom-up coupled ocean-atmosphere surface response, are included in versions of three global climate models, with either mechanism acting alone or both acting together. We show that the two mechanisms act together to enhance the climatological off-equatorial tropical precipitation maxima in the Pacific, lower the eastern equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures during peaks in the 11-year solar cycle, and reduce low-latitude clouds to amplify the solar forcing at the surface.

So just again, how is this contradicting AGW?

Sal all you do is cherry pick and you don’t even take the time to understand the things that you even refer to yourself. I am so sick and tired of hearing about how you think that you are a scientist or that you understand anything scientific. Step one would be to actually read the stuff you are bringing. Step two would be understanding what you have read. After you have done that you can talk about what is and is not good policy. In the mean time all of your ranting about whatever only is a case of massive ignorance.