
Wiley Drake's Imprecatory Prayers

Cato the Elder6/08/2009 3:06:28 pm PDT

The primitivity of some practitioners of “religion” never ceases to amaze.

We Romans practiced imprecatory prayer too. There are many examples that have survived, scratched on lead tablets and the like.

Here’s a sample:

Spirits of the underworld, I consecrate and hand over to you, if you have any power [sic!], Ticene of Carisius. Whatever she does, may it all turn out wrong. Spirits of the netherworld, I consecrate to you her limbs, her complexion, her figure, her head, her hair, her shadow, her brain, her forehead, her eyebrows, her mouth, her nose, her chin, her cheeks, her lips, her speech, her breath, her neck, her liver, her shoulders, her heart, her lungs, her intestines, her stomach, her arms, her fingers, her hands, her navel, her entrails, her thighs, her knees, her calves, her heels, her soles, her toes. Spirits of the netherworld, if I see her wasting away, I swear that I will be delighted to offer a sacrifice to you every year.

This is the “god” that Drake prays to.

In some tribes it is enough for the local shaman to curse a man and he will go away and die.

The hamsa, an amulet worn to ward off the Evil Eye, is common throughout the Middle East, to both Jews and Muslims.

A lot of what passes for Christianity is nothing but paganism with a biblical veneer. That’s because a lot of what is in the Bible is patently pagan in nature.

At least when the pagans do it they know what they’re doing and don’t shove it in the shoes of the Creator of the Universe.

Imps and afrits upon Drake and his make.