
Overnight Strange Animation: Land

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce11/23/2013 8:42:53 am PST

re: #53 Gus

I’m, dreaming, of a white, Christmas…

My mother was a rabid fan of the RAY CONNIFF SINGERS. Take the sterotypically whitest-sounding vocalists you can find, add a ridiculous amount of reverb, and deliver the lyrics like a coked-up 1970s game show host. THAT is my perception of the Ray Conniff Singers. They put out at least one album of Christmas music, and my mother wore that shit out every year from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.

Example one: Ray Conniff - Sleigh Ride

Example two: Ray Conniff & His Singers — Christmas Medley

These days, I hate American-style “Christmas music” with the fury of a million angry gods.