
Coyne: Poor Beleaguered Melanie Phillips!

lostlakehiker5/04/2009 11:02:37 pm PDT

This is almost tragic. Good people, otherwise of sound reason and keen moral perception, are fixing their standard and building their castle on the sands of ID.

In losing the public fight over creationism, they drag down the rest of their cause, the part that stands a chance and that is better founded in reason and law. If they should win, which is unlikely but must be reckoned a remote possibility, in winning, they’d establish precedents that would be immensely helpful to demagogues of any stripe. With the Constitution interpreted loosely and pliable to the will of the people, and the role of facts in deciding case law out the window, the next cause that has little constitutional license and no grounding in science to come along will have its path smoothed.

Creationists surely must understand that endless mischief must come of throwing out this Baby—-the influence of science and the constitution on how the schools are run—-with the bathwater (as they see it) of allowing Darwin into biology class.