
Friedersdorf: Rush the Race-Baiter

Walter L. Newton10/19/2009 12:51:14 pm PDT

re: #55 Sharmuta

The point is, Dear- Rush has been race baiting hard since the election. Comparing him to Sharpton isn’t something I would do, because analogies are weak arguments and easy to pick apart.

But the analogy doesn’t change the fact Rush has increased this rhetoric. And we have the blogosphere defending a racist in stacy mccain, and the party is heading down a bad and dangerous path…

It’s not excusable, and it’s not electable.

I do see a troubling trend. I actually heard some weekend local talk show hosts this weekend trying to jump on the bandwagon and be BIGGER race baiters than Rush. It’s like… “well, this is working for him, I’ll give it a shot.”

And these are only part time weekend host who really couldn’t hold a candle to any national talk show host.

So, it’s possible that Rush is actually sending a signal that it’s ok to do this and do it more.