
NPR Interview: Tom Waits

Killgore Trout11/05/2011 4:45:41 pm PDT

Update: Dueling versions between D.C. police, protesters at convention center

By Saturday, police and protesters were still giving divergent accounts of what occurred when more than 500 people gathered to protest a dinner held by Americans for Prosperity, a conservative free-market group affiliated with the tea party movement. Video clips showed tense shouting and shoving at the doors, which left two older women dazed on the ground.

Daily Caller (wingnut site) has video of the old women being knocked to the ground as the crowd attacks people leaving the event. They also have video of the roadblocks, several white young men blocking a black man in an SUV. He rolls down the window and tells them he has a 2 year old in the car just wants to go home.

D.C. Council Member Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6) read about the protest on Twitter and went to the scene. He said he was told that D.C. police had their own video supporting their version of events and he was waiting to see it.

“My understanding is that the driver was not impaired,” Wells said. “He was scared when people began jumping up and down on his car . . . This is a very difficult job for police. Their job is keeping the protesters and people coming out of the convention center safe. Last night, tensions seemed to be rising.”

Hopefully the police will make their video available to the public.