
Rodan Exposed: The Shocking Audio

Decatur Deb4/07/2012 3:59:41 pm PDT

re: #42 No Monkey Man (Born With a Banana in my Hand)

I knew that a lot of racism went underground after the ’60s making it look like we were entering a post-racism era, but I had assumed the amount of racism was actually decreasing. It looks like racism may indeed dominate fewer people, but those who remain convinced of a racial hierarchy are becoming more vocal and seemingly starting to adopt PR tactics from anti-evolution, pro-smoking and anti-AGW. It may not be long before more become convinced of validity of the racist mantra.

It’s too easy to ignore the amplification/replication effect of the new media. I was raised in the urban North in the 40s-50s and live in the deep South now. We’re not in Beulah-land, but we really have come a long way. When you watch the kids, you know we’re not going back.