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Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/14/2011 7:46:05 am PDT

re: #609 blueraven

Sure. And I’m fine with saying that. I’ll say it all the time. But since I don’t know if that’s the case for him, and what I do know is that his treatment left his wife with a gigantic debt, the hospital out of pocket for what they’d done for him, and nobody actually better off, that’s what I’m going to concentrate on in this story.

I personally think that the quality of life that is provided by single payer is more important than the effect on mortality. Everyone dies. But everyone doesn’t have to live with, say, crippling arthritis, gout, syncope, glaucoma, tinnitus, etc. Those things, the ability to get the quick, effective, and easy fixes for things that make so much difference in people’s lives, is the main reason, medically, I want single payer.

It’d also mean far fewer sick days, much less money lost to the economy. So as well as people feeling better, society would benefit overall.