
Sarah Palin: The Lamestream Media Is Reporting My Tweets! Stop It!

Gus6/25/2010 9:16:20 pm PDT

And Part 2:

50. Eric Cantor
49. Ed Morrissey
48. Charles Krauthammer
47. Bob Mcdonnell
46. David Horowitz
45. Jim Inhofe
44. Mike Pence
43. Samuel Alito
42. Michael Steele
41. Dick Armey

40. John Bolton
39. Paul Ryan
38. James Dobson
37. Thomas Sowell
36. John Boehner
35. Liz Cheney
34. Jan Brewer
33. Pat Buchanan
32. Grover Norquist
31. Scott Brown

30. Donald Rumsfeld
29. John Roberts
28. Bill Kristol
27. Chris Christie
26. Michael Savage
25. Jim Demint
24. Marco Rubio
23. Mitt Romney
22. Antonin Scalia
21. James O’Keefe & Hannah Giles

20. Rupert Murdoch
19. Clarence Thomas
18. Roger Ailes
17. Laura Ingraham
16. Mark Levin
15. Andrew Breitbart
14. Newt Gingrich
13. Matt Drudge
12. Sean Hannity
11. Karl Rove

10. Michele Bachmann
9. Bill O’Reilly
8. Dick Cheney
7. The Tea Party Patriot
6. Michelle Malkin
5. Ann Coulter
4. George W. Bush
3. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sarah Palin
1. Glenn Beck