
Maine Republicans Adopt Completely Insane Platform

Walter L. Newton5/10/2010 1:44:24 pm PDT

re: #611 LudwigVanQuixote

In fact I think this thread has helped me to articulate my most important point.

You will not convert a teabagger with reason. You can only make certain that they run out of steam and get distracted. This is accomplished by making it hard to impress people by being a teabagger.

The only message to point at them is:

You are nazi scum and if you fight, you will not be able to bully us or cow us.

When you lie, we will call you liars. When you cheat we will catch you. When you are stupid we will mock you.

But most importantly, we will not tolerate your racism or your evil anti American ways.

In fact, if you do try to start some revolution, we will kick your asses.

It is important to make certain they get that we are not scared. Bullies only like easy targets. Bullies that do not have easy targets go back to being frustrated betas.

Simple question… if a person is a member of a local/regional/nation Tea Party chapter, are they a Nazi?