
Did Bill O'Reilly Fabricate a "Combat Situation" During the Falklands War?

lawhawk2/22/2015 11:47:43 am PST

To me, the key part of Eric Jon Engberg’s story was that you had a veteran and professional leader in Argentina who had covered actual war zones and protests/riots around the world telling cameramen to not turn on the lights to their cameras because it tends to attract attention and fire from those with arms, or rocks and other projectiles. He wanted the CBS crews to do their jobs, but be smart and safe.

O’Reilly’s crew was there. They’re told not to use the lights, so what does O’Reilly do? He overrides common sense and his cameraman to tell him to use lights to do an on-scene shot with lights.

It was O’Reilly injecting himself into the story. And putting his crew in undue harm’s way during protests.

Now, mind you, the riots/protests never got as bad as they could have, but that’s besides the point. O’Reilly wanted his moment to shine, and then got pissed when his footage was spiked.