
Sunday Night Jam, via Puerto Rico: Andrea Cruz, NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert [VIDEO]

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam4/08/2019 7:36:02 am PDT

re: #60 mmmirele

This is really killing me, because I thought the comics were cute and, in a way, insightful. But I can’t support someone who thinks it’s perfectly OK to force a woman to continue a pregnancy when she has decided not to. I mean, there’s a *reason* why women used knitting needles, coat hangers and other sharp instruments in attempts to self-abort. They didn’t want to be pregnant. It wasn’t joyous, it was causing anguish. And these people would prolong the anguish because they give more rights to a zygote/embryo/fetus than they do to a living, breathing woman.

They have created their own mythology or cult, within their own ostensible religion — that a not completely formed organism is far more important than any completely formed organism which would necessarily need to take care of it for the next two decades.