
Is CNN Going to Ignore a Staged Video?

father_of_101/09/2009 2:16:16 pm PST

re: #47 RaiderDan

Thanks Charles for NOT LETTING THIS GO


I will not let them forget it.

I alerted Newsbusters and Michelle Malkin. They have items up now.

So when will the MSM media watchers chime in?

Too late, they’ve lost their credibility.

Once again, the Internet and the lizardim in their pajamas upstages Jonathan Klein’s army of editors and gatecheckers.

They had lost their credibility before this, and nothing happened. It is now at the point where the MSM have turned into propaganda machines entirely. I doubt they really care that they were “found out”. They got the message out they wanted to. Now they can deny and obfuscate when called on it, but is anything going to happen to them? Get arrested? No. Lose jobs? Only the peons, so who cares. Be shut down? Of course not.

Since almost 100% of the media is already in the tank for the Palis, why should CNN really care?