
Breaking: Oslo Terrorist 'Tied to Right Wing Extremism' - Update: A Pamela Geller Fan

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/22/2011 10:01:54 pm PDT

re: #620 Gus 802

I was never a group person. Hipsters, yuppies, etc. All of those urban cliques never appealed to me. They’re all like mini-cults where people expect you to act the same like they do. It’s like when I used to get my 13 dollar a pound coffee. I’d go in there and talk it up with the counter person and then leave. Never hung out in a coffee shop in my entire life and never plan on doing so. Spending the rest of my life eating and drinking beverages in public only to pose in front of others is not my idea of fun.

Oh man, I know exactly what you mean. Saw a lot of that during the tech boom. That, and the general gentrification attitude, that them sitting their eating-disorder butts in a fancy sidewalk cafe is somehow raising the status of my own neighborhood. Lol!