
Three Policemen Shot in Pittsburgh

LAobserver4/04/2009 2:30:41 pm PDT

re: #617 FurryOldGuyJeans

Sorry, bubulah, I’m tired of playing the “yeah, but…” game with you. I say one thing and you reflexively want to change the subject.

I’m not trying to play a yeah but game with anybody - I could go on about how you seem unduly defensive about this topic, but that’s not my purpose - I pointed something out, you said that you had heard and read those arguments many times, so I thought that closes the subject. If you would like me to go on about something in which you said you already had heard the evidence and apparently have a strong opinion about, then I can, but what would be the point of that?

On the other hand, rather than “reflexively” wanting to change the subject, you said something (as in you were the one that raised the subject) that I found interesting and wanted to learn more about. You could have simply responded with a “I don’t know” - and that would be fine. Then maybe one of us could try to find an answer - then we’d both have learned something. Try it sometime.