
Stunning Abstract Short: The Clockmakers/Les Horlogers

Blind Frog Belly White5/10/2013 6:05:36 pm PDT

re: #49 Kragar

Cripes. You know, back when we were all godly and shit, we had this big war that killed 600,000 Americans, largely at each other’s hands. Then we had a couple more wars. Then a big depression where 1/4 of American workers couldn’t find work. Just as we were coming out of that one, we got into ANOTHER war where half a million Americans died, which we followed with 40-some years of expecting to be annihilated at any moment. Throughout most of this time we treated certain of our fellow Americans little better than animals while committing genocide on the people who were here first.

So, tell me, when did we turn away from God? Were we godly when we exterminated other, less technologically advanced humans? Were we godly when we bought and sold humans like cattle? Were we godly when we denied the descendants of the ones we’d enslaved the same rights the rest of us had?

In short, what the hell is she talking about?