
Mid-Term Elections Are Incredibly Close - and Incredibly Important

EPR-radar10/23/2014 4:45:52 pm PDT

Seen elsewhere on the net, yet another nail in the coffin of the farcical idea that Gamergate is about anything other than misogyny:

They’re going to attack Felicia Day, but not Kluwe? Gee whiz…I wonder why that might be. Hmm. Lemme think… who called them “slopebrowed weaseldicks”? Wasn’t Day. Who referred to GG supporters as “basement-dwelling, cheetos-huffing, poopsock-sniffing douchepistol (s)”? Again, not Day.

She was very mild, almost sorrowful, in her criticism. And who was attacked (again)? The woman. What a fucking shocker.