
CBS: Palin Emails Show Infighting With Staff

~Fianna7/03/2009 12:47:32 pm PDT

re: #57 hous bin pharteen

CBS? I think it is the Communist Broadcasting Service. Old reporters went there when the Soviet Block went under.

It is not surprising that democratic libs hate her. Even Hollywood. She is a smart, fun, babe, who actually looks like a women. Not some man. They only have Billary.

Wow, you get my first ever LGF downding.

The woman ran for Vice President of the United States of America. She should not be reduced to a piece of meat and her looks aren’t the issue, nor are HRC’s. I like both of them about equally, which is to say not much at all, but they’re both more qualified, have better resumes and are smarter than 90% of the people who post on teh intarwebz and should at least be respected for having the guts, brains and ingenuity to rise to the positions that they’re in.

Attack or praise their policies not their boobies.

Sexism just makes you look like a fool.